The tentative dates fo examination for +2 and +3 stream are as follows.
Annual CHSE examination - 1st march 2007 to 7.4.2007.
University Examination : 1st Year - 24th April 2007 to 15th May 207.
IInd Yr - 3rd April 2007 to 23rd April 2007.
IIIrd Year - 20th March 2007. |
All examination are compulsory. If a student remains absent herself from the Examinations, she may not be promoted or sent up as the case may be. A student found in possession of incriminating materials or copying will be expelled from the Examination hall immediately and will be fined Rs. 10/- with intimation to the parents. She may not be sent up for the Council and University Examination. The students will be promoted according to the terms of Examination as fixed by the staff council. Applications for leave of absence due to illness must be accompanied with a medical certificate from a registered doctor duly attested by the Parent / Guardian.
C.H.S.E. Examination :
The Council of Higher Secondary Education, Orissa conducts annually two examinations such as Annual in the month of March and instant examination for the +2 stream. The date of which is fixed by the council.
Pass Marks:
30% of marks in each subject in theory and practical separately, 35% marks in aggregate.
First Division - 540 marks
Second Division - 450 marks
Third Division - 315 marks
Examination Fee :
Examination fee is fixed by Council and University.
University Examinations :
- The three year Degree course leading to the Bachelor's Degree in Arts / Commerce of Utkal University shall be spread over a period of three academic years. A candidate for the Bachelor's degree in Arts shall be required to pass the following examination :
i) First University Examination
ii) Second University Examination
iii) Final University Examination
- A candidate shall be eligible to appear the second and final University Examination only if she has registered for the first and second university Examination respectively. However, her results shall not be published unless she has passed in the first and second University examination respectively.
- A candidate for the Bachelor's Degree in Arts, Examinations shall be required to enroll herself, under these regulations as a student in one of the colleges affiliated to this University.
Admission to the Course :
- No student shall ordinarily be admitted into the 1st year of the course four weeks (including holidays and Sundays) after the date of publication of results of the Annual Higher Secondary Examination of the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Orissa or after the re-opening of the Summer Vacation which ever is later. In exceptional cases, the appropriate authority may notify the last date of admission.
- Candidates who, for some valid reasons, are unable to take admission within the time prescribed under regulation 2.2 above, may however be admitted into a College within two weeks (including holidays and Sundays) from the last date of admission with a late fee as prescribed by the University. The Principal of the college shall intimate the names of such candidates and their dates of admission and shall remit the late fee collected to the University in one lot within two weeks from the date of such late admission.
- Candidates who have taken late admission, on payment of the late fee, shall have the percentage of lectures counted from the date of such admission.
- Candidates passing the instant Higher Secondary Examination of the Council Higher Secondary Education, Orissa may be admitted into a College within two weeks (including holidays and Sundays) after the publication of their results provided that the candidates may be admitted within one week thereafter with a late fee as prescribed by the University for each candidate. A candidate so admitted shall have the percentage of lectures counted from the date of his admission.
- Admission to the second and 3rd year course shall be completed within two weeks of the reopening of the Colleges without waiting for the publication of results of the first and second University Examination respectively, provided that the students may be admitted to the second or third year, as the case may be, within a further period of two weeks, including Sunday and holidays, on payment of a late fee as prescribed by the University for each student.
- Provided further that students, who could not appear in the University Examination due to shortage of attendance, shall be allowed to take readmission in the same year at the beginning of the immediate subsequent academic session subject to the availability of seats. Preference shall be given to the students who have secured higher marks in the last CHSE or University Examination, as the case may be.
- Notwithstanding anything contained in the preceding regulations, where the syndicate of the University, permits increase of seats in any class or gives fresh affiliation to any new subject in any College, the date of issue of such order shall be deemed as the date of publication of results of the council or Higher Secondary Education Orissa for the purpose of admission thereto.
- A candidate whose results of Higher Secondary Examination are published late by the Examining Authority, may be admitted into the College within two weeks of the publication of her results depending on the availability of seats provided that no students can be admitted in to +3 1st year class beyond 31st December of the concerned academic year.
Change of Subject (s) :
A candidate who has been admitted in to a College with particular subject(s) or combination of subjects in to the first year may be allowed change of subject(s) or combination of subjects by the Principal till thirty days after the last date of admission in to first year course s prescribed in the provision of the clause 2 of regulation.